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Hardskills assessment platform for companies with adaptive and immersive technology.

Get Started with SmartRecruiters Request Isograd Integration

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Put skills at the center of your strategy with our unique technology !

By implementing skills assessments into your hiring and training processes, you can ensure you’re hiring the right person for the role and reduce costs associated with a bad hire.

Integration details

Our assessment platform stands out as the sole solution in the market that emphasizes active practice, providing candidates with an engaging, immersive experience.

In addition to traditional multiple-choice questions (MCQs), our tests actively involve candidates by presenting them with practical exercises conducted directly in software environments or programming exercises. These exercises are based on real-life scenarios commonly encountered in professional settings.

Easily assess and identify top talent with one of the largest test catalogs available:
- Code (Python, HTML, Angular...)
- Digital literacy (Cybersecurity, DigComp, Microsoft 365 Collaborative Tools...)
- Software (Excel, Photoshop, PowerBI, Revit...)
- Languages (English, French...)
- Clerical skills (Medical Terminology, Accounting, Office Administration...)
