Beekome by Rhaegal
Get Started with SmartRecruiters Request Beekome by Rhaegal Integration
Attract more qualified candidates
Save Time and Money
Integration details
Jobs are synchronized automatically. Therefore, once a recruiter creates a job and publishes it externally, it becomes visible on the career site. This can also be used for an internal mobility site, using an SSO authentication.
Beekome can also use all job fields created in SmartRecruiters as filters and badges on job cards and job descriptions.
Connecting Beekome to SmartRecruiters takes 30 seconds all in all!
Designed for mobiles
Natively connects to SmartRecruiters in 2 clicks
Fluid and intuitive candidate experience
multi page, multi brand, multi country, multligual
Custom URL support
Aggregate different job lists in one
Fully flexible CMS
SEO optimized
Email and/or SMS powerful job alert
Internal and External job portals