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Care Friends

The employee referral app for social care.

Get Started with SmartRecruiters Request Care Friends Integration

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Care Friends is the only employee referral app designed specifically for social care, in partnership with Skills for Care.

Employee referrals are the proven best source of high-performing, long-staying employees in social care, but traditional employee referral programs are a hassle to administer and hard to keep top-of-mind with staff.

As a result, they only deliver a fraction of their true potential. The Care Friends app overcomes the limitations of traditional manual employee referral schemes by:

  • Encouraging your care staff to share jobs with their friends and contacts straight from their mobiles, receiving feedback and earning cash instantly at each stage of the referral process
  • Minimizing your referral scheme admin with automated notifications, points awards, tracking and cash-ins

The app also enables managers to reward employees to recognize good work using Care Friends points which can be cashed-in by the employee at any time.

The seamless integration between Care Friends and SmartRecruiters has lots of benefits:
  • Job roles are exported automatically from SmartRecruiters to CareFriends
  • Referred candidates from Care Friends are automatically exported toSmartRecuiters
  • Candidate updates in SmartRecruiters sync with Care Friends automatically triggering update notifications and points awards for referrers
Care friends are growing fast. Join hundreds of other care providers and empower your staff to refer friends quickly and easily via the app, and enjoy the rewards of your employees becoming your best recruiters.
