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IKM Assessments

Best of Breed in Knowledge and Skills Tests for Talent Acquisition

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“Managing knowledge begins with measuring knowledge”

IKM offers a broad range of assessments for employee testing and pre-employment testing, including pre-hire assessments for employment screening, training assessments for pre-training and post-training testing, and certification programs.

IKM’s online or proctored (supervised) assessments include knowledge measurement tests, skill tests, attitude tests and aptitude tests.

The IKM Difference
IKM’s assessments utilize proven methodologies to ensure you can reliably evaluate your candidates and employees in the most cost efficient and effective way. Combining performance and knowledge based techniques, you can cut the evaluation process in half. IKM’s unique adaptive methodology ensures the highest degree of result integrity in the shortest possible time and features:

  • Adaptive testing at sub-topic levels
  • Weighted questions and answers
  • Multiple correct answers
  • Percentile rankings
  • Skills database

Integration details

The use of IKM Assessment and view results can be easily activated within the Hiring Process within SmartRecruiters. Assessment results are stored in a secure IKM database for subsequent analysis and review, all accessible through SmartRecruiters for the respective Hiring team members in order to make an informed hiring decision – Learn more today!