Get Started with SmartRecruiters Request ModernLoop Integration
Integration details
With ModernLoop connected to your SmartRecruiters instance, you'll be able to:
- Access all of your jobs and candidates within ModernLoop instantly
- Automatically trigger scheduling automations in ModernLoop when you move a candidate to a different stage/interview step in SmartRecruiters
- Send scheduling requests to candidates and internal team members via ModernLoop's chrome extension that sits on top of SmartRecruiter's user interface
- See your ModernLoop scheduled interviews directly in SmartRecruiters
- Automate interviewer training programs to ensure interviewers are properly calibrated to conduct interviews
- Balance interview load to prevent interviewer burnout
- Schedule complex, multi-panel, and even multi-day interview loops with a click of a button
Zero-click interview scheduling
Candidate Portal
Interviewer Training
Candidate pulse survey
Scheduling Queues
Reporting & Dashboards