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Oho - Background Screening and Ongoing Accreditation Verification

Get Started with SmartRecruiters Request Oho Integration

header Oho image

HQ Location

Melbourne, Australia


Oho is a credential management platform that utilises automation to verify key workforce credentials, including working with children checks, national disability worker clearances, professional accreditations, academic credentials and other background and screening check types.  
We are typically focused on the value chain from recruitment and on boarding, ongoing workforce rostering and allocation, and eventually off boarding of workforce participants. We ensure that the information provided by candidates (one off) and staff (continuous/ongoing) are correct and verified against the issuing register. 
Being an applicant tracking system, Smart Recruiters will be focused on the recruitment phase of our offering. 

Integration details

Through the integration Oho will provide Smart Recruiters with Package information and will receive requests (orders) via Smart Recruiter from our mutual customers for background checks to be conducted on candidates. 
Oho facilitates those requests and then provide status updates as they progress to completion. Once during those status changes Smart Recruiters is updated with the latest status of those collection of checks which are often more than one in a package (group of checks) for a given role. 



Background Screening - Packages

Provides a list of the collection of accreditation checks as part of an Assessment which can be requested for a candidate

Update Assessment Results (automatic)

Oho will update the Assessment order in Smart Recruiter as the candidate progresses their checks for that package

View Assessment Results

The Recruiter can view the specific checks launched from Smart Recruiter, to see more detail which Oho has on that particular check



  • Melinda Crole image

    Melinda Crole
    CEO - Junior Adventures Group

    We are committed to ensuring children are safe and feel safe. This is a social and moral responsibility of us all and therefore we have to do all we can.
    OHO is part of doing all we can. They allow us to ensure continuous attention and visibility and suitability of our people to work with children and ensure ongoing robust insurance coverage. "Doing" is imperative to ensure children are safe and feel safe!

HQ Location

Melbourne, Australia