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We help companies screen the best talent for an interview, using automated work-sample tests.

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TestDome is a service that helps you screen job candidates using automated work-sample tests. We offer assessments for programming, IT, customer service, accounting, administration, and general mental ability.

More than a hundred years of research in personnel selection says that work-sample tests are the strongest predictor of job performance. Although it’s easy to choose samples of work that would predict the job performance the best, the main reason why this method has not been widely used in practice so far is that it’s quite complicated to create short and context-free tests out of relevant samples of work. And this is exactly what we do so our clients don’t have to develop questions but can still enjoy the benefits of work-sample testing.

Work-sample testing has two important benefits:

– Saves your and your team’s time by reducing the number of candidates who reach the interview phase but shouldn’t (e.g. candidates good at self-promotion).
– Makes finding a good candidate more likely by reducing the number of candidates who don’t reach the interview but they should (e.g. didn’t go to a reputable school).

Our mission is to bring work-sample testing to every applicable position.

Integration details



Invite candidates

Select the best candidates using automated work-sample tests.

Interview candidates

Conduct coding interviews to hire the best engineers.
Code together in a virtual environment all within your browser.

Create tests from job ad with AI

Use TestDome's AI to create a fine-tuned screening test for your job ad.

Create tests from pre-made templates or bring your own questions

You can use the pre-made tests (like "SQL Online Test") or create your own custom questions to make a test that fits your needs.

You can also mix & match questions from TestDome's world-class library with your own questions.

Advanced cheating protection

With TestDome, for every candidate you can enable:

- Screen proctoring (reveals usage of AI tools, like ChatGPT, and other cheating tools)

- Webcam proctoring (verifies candidate identity)

- AI-resistant questions (we check our questions against ChatGPT regularly to ensure candidates won't be able to solve your test with an AI assistant)

- Duplicate IP & browser detection (detects test retaking)

- Copy/paste protection (prevents searching for answers)

Share & export candidate reports

Once your candidates finish taking their test, you'll be able to:
- View reports on our website
- Export reports as PDF or Excel files
- Create public links to share the reports with your teammates

All these features are meant to help you & your team move faster and find the best candidate.

GDPR compliance & multiple users

TestDome is fully GDPR compliant. See our legal page.

Add coworkers or external parties as users with different permissions.



  • Brian M. via Capterra image

    Brian M. via Capterra
    Candidate Quality

    TestDome significantly improves our hiring process and the quality of candidates that we do hire.
  • Devin Smith, USA image

    Devin Smith, USA
    Time Saving

    I can tell you my quality of life just went up dramatically. I have done 67 interviews this year and hired 5 people. That's 62 hours of my life I will never get back. Being able to sit back and watch... is amazing.
  • George O. via G2 image

    George O. via G2
    Automated Question Scoring

    We don't have the technical proficiency to test candidates for their coding ability. TestDome, for us, is the perfect solution to this.