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Have great insight on candidates’ personality and save time : adopt video interviews

Get Started with SmartRecruiters Request Visiotalent Integration

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Video interviewing solution  

Our ambition is to reveal candidates’ personality and talent by offering revolutionary recruitment experiences based on video technologies.
We believe that video answers your needs in terms of swiftness, productivity and modernity. It’s also the best-performing platform when seeking to allow applicants to simply express their personality, in a quick and hassle-free way.
In 2022, Visiotalent has helped more than 500 companies, inviting over 1 million candidates for an interview on the platform.

Integration details

Recruiters can now :
– Save time by replacing the pre-qualification call with a video interview
– Go beyond CVs and let candidates express their true self
– Collaborate at a very early stage of the recruitment process by sharing candidates’ video with managers
– Improve their employer branding by offering an innovative and human-centered recruitment process
